
What Is Scimitar Drum? Why Is It Important for You?

Scimitar Drum
What Is Scimitar Drum? Why Is It Important for You?

Scimitar drum is a crescent-shaped percussion-type instrument. You should arrange a stick to strike on the hide-covered head of the drum. There is much cultural significance in this traditional musical instrument. Scimitar drums are constructed with the animal’s hide, wood, and metal as well. This top musical device embodies spirituality and traditional customs/creeds.

What Is Scimitar Drum?

Scimitar drum is a conventional percussion-type device that is curvy with a scimitar stick. According to historians, in the Middle East and other parts of Asia, you will find such drums with scimitars. In ancient times, people worshiped gods and liked using scimitar drums for religious performances. People welcomed good spirits by beating the large or hand-held scimitar drums. The popularity of this musical instrument spread fast to enchant other religious-minded people in Europe. It is a sign of valor, regality, and manliness.

What Is Scimitar Drum Meaning?

Scimitar drum meaning is clear and deep. It is a musical device that has a curvy sword-type stick or rod to beat the drum for vibration. There are different types of sound coming from the drum beating.

What Are Components Used for Designing Scimitar Drums?

A scimitar drum has calfskin-made heads that are used for producing vibration. The sound coming from the drums is deep, and sharp to influence aborigines and animals too. For community resilience, often people prefer beating scimitar drums to ask for the reunion of different community members to complete any mission in the upcoming days. In the past, wood and metals including the hide of animals were combined to construct the scimitar drums. The body of this drum is decorated with classic artwork. This rare drum decoration is really impressive. Besides, the crescent drums have many metal strings for reinforcing the musical instruments. There is an extra large belt for holding the drum. You can carry your scimitar drum here and there.

Innovation Going on to Modify the Scimitar Drums

Traditionally, people are found playing and beating drums. They have faith and belief in such awesome musical instruments. Scimitar drums are highly decorative and gorgeous. Forefathers were seen adding a touch of aesthetic gloss to the scimitar drums. The later generations have done experiments to design the instruments. The combination of woodwork and modern components makes the drums more innovative. The cowhide and other animals’ skins are preferred to decorate the drum heads. The wooden body of the device has wonderful durability. The lightweight instrument produces the bass type of sound. The deep resonance brings back the rhythm to the musical devices. A blend of contemporary art and traditional aesthetic principles takes the drum to the utmost height of importance.

Features of Scimitar Drums

Scimitar drums are characterized by the scimitar sticks. The crescent shape of the scimitar drum has a majestic look. The Persian princes hired the musical troupe which merged beating drums. Other ancient devices were attractive. Scimitar drums are a perfect fit for kings to be proud of having such dynamic musical drums. Even in modern families, it is a pride for them to possess the traditional scimitar drums. They are interested in preserving such traditional artifacts as a sign of regality. The scimitar stick is bent or curved inwardly to take the shape of a sharp sword. Naturally, the masculinity of a man is shown by this sort of musical instrument.

Acoustic Resonance

The percussive sound of the scimitar drums is enhanced and therefore people like to listen to the deep classic style drum beating. There are different methods of striking the drum heads. The tonal effect of the musical device is so razor sharp to pinch the ears. With hand fingers, you can generate the original flat-flowing acoustic sound. With palm, you can create muffled and extraordinary cymbal sounds. Finally, with two drumsticks, go for the production of an impressive musical tone to vibrate the air.

Scimitar Drum – Vehicle for Expedition

A scimitar drum keeps your tradition intact identifying the specific culture.  It makes you integrated to join a community for exploration and expeditions. In ancient days, elite people went outside to participate in the expeditions. They were escorted by the scimitar drummers to boost up comrades to encounter the danger. They were brave to fight the adversity. 

What Is Scimitar Drum Cymbal?

Scimitar drum cymbal resembles the percussion type device. The cymbal contains a pair of metallic flat plates. The drummers use two sticks to strike these alloyed plates to have the best compelling sound.

What Is Scimitar Drum Wig?

Scimitar drum wig is another variant that has percussive features with excellent bass sound. The cultural significance of this type of instrument influences cultured society. On various cultural events, a this wig device is a must for celebrating any special incident.

Scimitar Drums and Modern Music

Many top drummers and music composers choose the scimitar drums in various sizes. They have brought changes to the size and acoustic quality of this musical device. Scimitar drums restore the traditional musical ethos. In jazz, modern musicians like to include the top classic scimitar drums.


Scimitar drums are important tools for musicians. Its prospect depends on the availability of this device. It is because of the complicated procedure to manufacture or design this drum. Highly skilled artisans are required to decorate the scimitar drums which are strong and durable. If the technology is combined with the traditional methodologies, the process of decorating scimitar drums will be simple. So, people will have to wait for the arrivals of affordable lightweight scimitar drums to play with.


Q: What is scimitar drum?

A. This is a typical device which is designed with the calf-skin or cow hide, wood and metal components.

Q: What is cultural significance of scimitar drum?

A. Scimitar drum has the regality with sound background. On various cultural events, ancient people liked to use these drums.

Q: Are scimitar drums still available?

A. Scimitar drums are still available but costly for economical class.

Q: What are traits of scimitar drum?

A. Scimitar drums have drumsticks taking the look of a curvy sword. It is ergonomic and hand-held device.

Q: What are components to make this scimitar drum?

A. A scimitar drum contains cow hide, metal strings and wood.

Q: Where was scimitar drum found?

A. In ancient times, Persian gulf regions and ME valued this musical instrument.

Q: Why is scimitar drum popular?

A. Impressive percussive sound, deep and sharp resonance and high aesthetic quality attract the audience.

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